quarta-feira, 28 de outubro de 2009


Childhood dreams...
I had them too.
I can almost remember how happy i was,
how inocent i was...
One day i wanted to be a ballarina,
graceful as a swan and beautiful as a
summer sunset.
After a while i decided that dancing
was no longer my passion.
I ended my ballet career and picked
a new goal from the shelf of happieness.
As i got older the shelf got emptier
and emptier and today i stand beside
an abandoned bookcase waiting for a miracle.
Waiting for a sign that will tell me that
the shelf is about to be refilled with
good memorys and inner peace.

Karina Silveira

2 comentários:

  1. Anónimo6/02/2011

    Sabes uma coisa? Gostei! Quer dizer AMEI ♥
    Começa a escrever de novo Karina tens talento para isso! ;) bjs migaaa
